Felix, an intrepid and highly experienced entrepreneur, has been managing and leading teams in the financial and technology sectors for over 15 years. As the general partner at Quoin Advisors, he is dedicated to increasing Quoin’s footprint and reach globally, especially in the Americas and Africa by providing access to unique instruments and resources they may not find elsewhere. He is a Managing Partner at Cedros Capital, LLC, providing entrepreneurs and business owners with a compelling combination of capital, financial flexibility and managerial expertise. Felix has years of technology experience that includes Sr. Technology Integration executive at Citizens Bank, a managing consultant at TEKsystems, and at TUFTS, where he managed the technology and engineering group.
Felix holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration and a Master of Science from Northeastern University, along with an MBA from The Wharton School of Business.
Felix holds FINRA licenses Series 7, 63, and 24.